Monday, August 24, 2009

What do you think?

Which header do YOU think we should use for our blog?








***There is a poll on the right sidebar where you can vote for your favorite!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Home Made Oreos

Here is another fun recipe you guys might like!! Today I (Kenzie) made these Oreos for my family and they absolutely loved them! Here it is...

  • 2 Pkg devil food cake
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup oil

mix well together, roll into small
balls, place on ungreased cookie sheet.

bake 7-9 min at 350 degrees, let cool.

  • 8 oz cream cheese
  • 4 c. powdered sugar
  • 1/4 c. melted butter

Just mix together, frost cookie,
stick together and ENJOY!!

Delicious Berry Smoothies!

Hey! Kenzie here...

Are you guys ready for a great after school treat? Here is a smoothie recipe that Kaylee and I made up. Smoothies are the perfect way to cool off after school after a long, hot walk or bus ride home! Here it is...

The ingredients are:

1. Add about 10-13 ice cubes

2. Add 1 cup of mixed, frozen berries.

3. add one banana (split up)

4. add one large spoonful or about 1/4 cup of frozen orange juice concentrate

5. Add 1/2 cup of milk (add more if it's too thick)

Then simply blend until smooth

Pour into cups and adding a straw makes this tasty treat all the more fun to sip!


***These pictures were taken on different days so if your wondering why they're in different cups, then that's why! :)

Tips and Tricks: Back to School

It's school time again! Most of you are probably feeling excited for school, or you might be feeling horrified of school and you wish summer would never end! For some of you, school has already started. Well here are some tips and tricks to help you be prepared for school!

Tip #1- Getting up early
Getting up early might be really hard to do if you have been sleeping in till 10:00 every morning of the summer. But if you practice going to bed early and waking up at 7:30 or 8:00 the week before school starts will help you get used to waking up so it won't be so hard to do on the first week of school!

Tip #2- Being organized
Sometimes it can be hard to be organized with all those papers an
d books your teachers give you. Something that helps me with that is a binder.
A binder
can hold all your papers in one spot and it is easy to carry in your backpack. You can also add some tabs in your binder with the names of each of your classes so you have a spot for all your papers.
If your school has lockers you can also put all those heavy textbooks in your locker. Then when you need it for homework you can just stop by your locker after school and pick it up!

Tip #3- Wear something that makes you feel good!
Did you try on 10 different outfits the night before school? I know I did! But I learned to just wear something makes you feel good! It's ok to wear jeans and a t-shirt on the first day of school! Just be yourself!

Tip #4- Choose a healthy lunch!
Don't you hate it when foods like pizza, cheeseburgers, chips, etc. are staring at you calling "Eat me! Eat me!" at the lunch line and you can't decide if you would rather eat the pizza or some salad and fruit from the salad bar. Well most of you would choose the pizza. I know I would... but that's not the point! The point is, is that sometimes you need to choose a healthier lunch so you can can get the energy and "brain food" that your body needs. It's ok to get the pizza and the cheeseburgers every once and a while.
I know I always hate school lunch! So what I do is get a copy of the lunch menu for the month and I bring a lunch from home on the days I don't like what they're serving for lunch! That way I don't have to worry about finding a hair in my spaghetti or having the pizza being under-cooked!

Tip #5- Doing your homework in class or homeroom!
Don't you hate homework! Well a way to not have homework is to take advantage of the time you have in class and use it to finish your work! You can also do it homeroom... I mean that's what homeroom is for, right?! And if you don't get it finished in school then do it right when you get home from school so you don't forget about it later that night!
Well that's all I have for you today!
I hope you have a great year of school!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

What to do on rainy days

Hey! Kaylee speaking!
Don't you hate those boring, rainy days?

Well, here are some tips on what to do on rainy days!

1. Invite your friends over!
Make some cookies, paint your fingernails, take pictures, etc. Just do stuff that you and your friends like to do!

2. Watch a movie!
Cook some popcorn, wrap up in a blanket, and relax to your favorite movie!

(This is one of mine and Kenzies favorite movies!)

3. Make a video using Barbies or action figures!
This always entertains Kenzie and I! Find those old Barbies or action figures in the back of your closet (or where ever they are), set up a backdrop, get your camera and start recording your video!

4. Make a dessert!
Who doesn't like dessert? It's the perfect thing to do on a rainy day! Bake some cookies or cupcakes, eat some ice cream, etc.

5. Take a walk around the block!(If its not too rainy)
Just because it's raining doesn't mean you have to be locked up inside all day! Take an umbrella and enjoy the fresh smell of rain!

Hope that helped you a little bit for some ideas of what do on a rainy day!

This Week's "How To": Spicing Up a Room

Hello! Kenzie Speaking...
Do you feel like your rooms are plain, boring etc.? Well here are some tips on how to spice up a room and make it feel like it just came out of a Pottery Barn magazine!


You can never go wrong with your accessories. Some things that will help out your space are accessories that match and go with the style of the room. Some examples are shone below:


Putting picture frames on top of a toilet is a great way to accessorize plus personalize a bathroom.

Using flower hangers instead of a 'normal' kind have brought intrest here.

Using items that match, but don't match perfectly
is also another way that will help.

Rugs also help to bring color and warmth to a space.



Welcome Bloggers!

Our names are Kaylee and Kenzie! We are just teenage girls who love to have fun. We decided to do this blog just because we were bored one Saturday and so decided to make a blog! So here we are, making our blog and we hope that you guys all like it! Some of the things that you will see on this blog are...

  1. Weekly "How to's"
  2. Boredom Busters
  3. Fun, inexpensive activities
  4. DIY ideas
  5. Recipes
  6. Tips andTricks
So we hope that you visit or blog often!